Research in Germany
30 years of glia research programs in Germany
In December 1990 the senate of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) approved funding a priority program (Schwerpunktprogramm – SPP) focusing on „Functions of Glial Cells“ and launched the call of proposals. As stated in the letter of approval, the DFG wanted to emphasize „the pivotal role of glial cells in the functioning of the entire nervous system during development and regeneration, in ion transport and metabolism, in immune responses and diseases. This program is designed to supporting basic research in anatomy, zoology, developmental biology, cell biology, pharmacology, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology and to fostering the scientific interaction among these fields.“
This was the starting signal for the first funding program focusing on glial research supported by the DFG. Since then so-called coordinated research programs supporting glia researchers such as Collaborative Research Centers (Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) or Transregio (TRR)), Priority Programs (Schwerpunktprogramme (SPP)) and one Research Unit (Forschergruppe (FOR)) have been funded in succession.
- SPP 288: Properties and Functions of Glial Cells (1991 – 1997)
- SFB 507: The role of non-neuronal cells in neurological diseases (1995 – 2007)
- SPP 1029: The role of microglial cells in nervous system disorders (1997 – 2003)
- SPP 1172: The role of neuroglia in the formation, function and plasticity of synapses (2004 – 2010)
- FOR 1336: From Monocytes to Brain Macrophages - Conditions Influencing the Fate of Myeloid Cells in the Brain (2010 – 2017)
- SPP 1757: Functional specializations of neuroglia as critical determinants of brain activity (2014 – 2021)
- TRR 167: Development, function and potential of myeloid cell in the central nervous system (NeuroMac) (2017 – )
- SPP 2395: Local and Peripheral Drivers of Microglial Diversity and Function” (2022 - )
Glia meetings in Germany
September 16 – 20, 1991
Castle Ringberg
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann, Jutta Schnitzer und Hans Werner Müller
First Symposium of the SPP 288 „Functions of Glial Cells – Regeneration“
May 7 – 9, 1992
Max Planck House Heidelberg
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann, Georg Kreutzberg, Jutta Schnitzer
Methods in Microglia Research – 15th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association (ENA)
September 13 – 17, 1992
Organization: Jochen Gehrmann, Richard Banati, Georg W. Kreutzberg
Workshop of the SPP 288 „Functions of glial cells:
expression and function of receptors in glial cells“
February 12 – 13, 1993
House Buhl Heidelberg
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Colloquium of the review panel of the SPP 288 „Functions of glial cells“
May 9 – 11, 1993
Max Planck House Heidelberg
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Workshop of the SPP 288 „Functions of glial cells:
molecular biological methods and how to apply them in glial research“
September 9 – 10, 1993
Castle Mickeln/Düsseldorf
Organization: Hans Werner Müller
3. Leipzig Symposium „Glia & Neuroontogenesis (Meeting of the SPP 288 „Functions of glial cells“)
September 23 – 25, 1993
Organization: Andreas Reichenbach und Gerd Brückner
Preparatory meeting of the SFB 507
„The impact of non-neuronal cells on the pathogenesis of cerebral disorders“
October 1 – 2, 1993
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Glio-neuronal und glio-vascular interactions
February 18 – 20, 1994
Organization: Hartwig Wolburg
1. European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease
March 24 – 27, 1994
Physics Auditorium Heidelberg
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Human Frontier Science Program “Transmitter receptors and ion channels in glial cells”
May 15 – 18, 1994
Castle Eckberg Dresden
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Minisymposium „Genes and neurotrophins in myelin-forming cells“
July 7, 1994
Organization: G. Jeserich und Hans H. Althaus
The role of glia in synapse development, synapse loss, and synaptic plasticity
September 11 – 14, 1994
Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann und Georg W. Kreutzberg
Colloquium of the review panel of the SPP 288 „Function of glial cells“
May 17 – 19, 1995
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
International Symposium on cellular and molecular mechanisms of regeneration and functional repair in the CNS
August 28 – September 2, 1995
Organization: Hans H. Althaus, Rolf Heumann, Gunnar Jeserich, Christiane Richter-Landsberg
SFB 507 – Symposium “Physiology and interference in glia tumors“
July 11, 1996
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Symposium “The role of microglial cells in health and disease”
September 11 – 14, 1996
Castle Ringberg
Organization: Georg W. Kreutzberg und Helmut Kettenmann
First colloquium of the review panel of the SPP 1029
„The role of microglia cells in central nervous system disorders“
February 19 – 20, 1997
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Final colloguium of the SPP 288 „Functions of Glial Cells“
June 7 – 10, 1997
Congress Center Bogensee
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Intermediate Colloquium of the SPP 1029
„The role of microglia cells in central nervous system disorders“
September 21 – 23. 1998
Congress Center Bogensee
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Intermediate colloquium of the SPP 1029 „The role of microglia cells in central nervous system disorders“
September 11 – 13, 2000
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
VI European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease
September 3 – 6, 2003
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
Abschlusskolloquium des SPP 1029 „Functions of microglial cells in diseases of the central nervous system“
(Satellite symposium of the VI European Glia Meeting)
September, 2002
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin-Buch
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
1st Meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1172
“The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
October 14 – 16, 2004
Organization: Joachim Deitmer
“The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
September 22 – 24, 2005
Organization: Joachim Deitmer
September 28 – 30, 2006
Organization: Christian Steinhäuser
4th Meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1172
“The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
October 14 – 16. 2007
Bad Dürkheim/Pfalz
Organization: Joachim Deitmer
5th Meeting of the SPP 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
September 18 -20, 2008
Hegel Auditorium Building Berlin
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
6th Meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1172
“The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
October 2 – 3, 2009
Organization: Herbert Zimmermann
Final Meeting of the DFG-Priority Programme 1172
“The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”
August 26 – 29, 2010
Organization: Joachim Deitmer
September 10 – 12, 2011
Organization: Jasmin Jamal El-Din, Josef Priller
July 3 – 6, 2013
Estrel Hotel Berlin
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann
October 12 – 14, 2014
Organization: Frank Kirchhoff, Christine Rose
The Role of Glial Cells in Physiology and Pathology
September 12 – 16, 2015
NH Collection Hotel Berlin
Organization: Helmut Kettenmann, Liping Wang, Frank Kirchhoff
Annual meeting of the SPP 1757 “Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia as Critical Determinants of Brain Activity”
October 8 – 10, 2015
Organization: Ute Legler, Frank Rhode, Laura Caudal, Alyssa Price
Annual meeting of the SPP 1757 “Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia as Critical Determinants of Brain Activity”
October 9 – 11, 2016
Organization: Frank Kirchhoff, Christine Rose
Annual meeting of the SPP 1757 “Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia as Critical Determinants of Brain Activity”
October 26 – 28, 2017
Organization: Frank Kirchhoff, Christine Rose
New Developments in Microglial Research
September 20 – 21, 2018
Organization: Christian Haass, Helmut Kettenmann
Annual meeting of the SPP 1757 “Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia as Critical Determinants of Brain Activity and Japanese-German YoungGlia and collaborative meeting for mutual research exchange”
September 30 – October 5, 2018
Organization: Hiroaki Wake, Christine R. Rose, Frank Kirchhoff
Annual meeting of the SPP 1757 “Functional Specialisations of Neuroglia as Critical Determinants of Brain Activity”
September 30 – October 2, 2018
Organization: Frank Kirchhoff, Christine Rose
Kick off Meeting of the SPP 2395 „Local and peripheral drivers of microglial diversity and function“
November 10 – 11, 2022
Organization: Susanne Wolf